Strategic Investments driving Africa's Digital Economy

We are creating an environment in which all Africans can take advantage of world-class technology developments to build better lives, better businesses, and a better world, by deploying converged open-access digital infrastructure (CODI) across Africa; infrastructure that will expedite and underpin Africa’s digital transformation.

>$ 0 m
in digital infrastructure
assets since 2007
>$ 0 m
planned investment over the next five years in digital infrastructure


Our Commitment to Africa

To create and deploy a converged open-access digital infrastructure which will expedite digital transformation across the continent.
WIOCC Group is the parent company to leading digital infrastructure provider, WIOCC, award-winning data centre operator, Open Access Data Centres (OADC) and Africa’s managed network and infrastructure provider, Open Access Technical Services (OATS).
WIOCC Group is transforming digital Africa, with a commitment to invest almost $1Bn in facilitating and supporting the deployment of converged open-access digital infrastructure across the continent.

in numbers

WIOCC was established in 2008 as the largest investor in the EASSy submarine cable system, expanding to become a leading player in the deployment of Africa’s wholesale hyperscale digital infrastructure. In 2021,  Open Access Data Centres (OADC) was established, and is now the fastest-growing data centre company in Africa. In 2023, Open Access Technical Services (OATS) was established to enable CDNs, carriers, operators, hyper-scalers, major enterprises and governments to outsource the building, management, operation and support of their digital network and infrastructure in Africa.
value of OADC's 5-year investment programme
investment by WIOCC in creating Africa's Digital Backbone
of subsea systems
of terrestrial fibre
locations in 30 countries in Africa
data centres across Africa
African owned by 10 African telcos
Staff Members


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